This Month:

  • Eaton Promo Flyers, 2022
  • Importance of Giving UPS Batteries a Fresh Start
  • Eaton EOL Notice for 9170+ UPS Power Modules

New Eaton Promo Flyers for 2022

Eaton just came out with their new flyers for 2022 promotions. The flyers are for:

Eaton’s 2022 Rewards Program
Authorized and Certified partners are eligible to earn rewards from select UPS models.

Eaton’s 2022 Deal Registration Program
This program offers financial rewards to accredited partners who identify, develop and win new Eaton business opportunities.

If you have questions about the new Eaton flyers, please contact your HM Cragg Sales Manager.

The Importance of Giving UPS Batteries a Fresh Start

Just like milk, batteries are perishable. Also, like milk, there is an expiration date. Each battery has a sticker that indicates the date the battery should be put into service or the date by which it should be recharged. Make plans early to ensure batteries will not have gone bad prior to a UPS start up. With today’s supply chain issues, it is more important than ever to make sure battery management is a key component in your project management.

Traditionally, it has not been uncommon for the UPS to be one of the last systems to be installed in a project, but with supply chain issues, we are seeing other pieces of the project puzzle arriving onsite well after the UPS. As a result, UPS startups are being delayed because other phases of a project have been hit with a setback. When HM Cragg or Eaton ships your UPS, we often do not have visibility to potential delays to your customer’s plans for startup. When a project is delayed, managing the life of batteries once they get delivered to the end user is critical to the success of the project.

If batteries are going to sit on site for an extended time, a plan is necessary for keeping the batteries within the warranty specifications. HM Cragg would love to work with you on that plan. Part of your planning could also be delaying the shipment of batteries. We can help you ship UPS chassis early to set the UPS in place, and then HM Cragg can manage the logistics of timing battery arrival for just in time use. We have done this quite a bit for battery savvy partners.

Good UPS project management includes a plan for UPS batteries. We ask for your help in partnering with us to best serve your customers so that when it is time for the UPS start up, batteries are in good shape to satisfy your customer. If you have concerns or questions about battery life for your project, please reach out to your HM Cragg sales manager.

Eaton EOL Notice for 9170+ UPS Power ModulesEaton EOL Notice for 9170+ UPS Power Modules

Eaton recently sent a Sales Bulletin announcing that power and charger modules for the 9170+ UPSs will be discontinued on April 1, 2022. We encourage those with installed systems nearing end-of-service life be transitioned to the Eaton 9PXM UPS replacement product. Eaton will continue to support the 9170+ with those parts and components that are still available. 9170+ battery packs (ASY-0529) will remain active at this time.

Part numbers impacted:

  • ASY-0673
  • ASY-0674
  • ASY-0675

If you have any questions about this announcement, please contact your HM Cragg Sales Manager.

Please note that some products referenced in this communication might not be available for sale in all territories.
Please contact your HMC Sales Rep for more information and product questions. 

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