This Month:

  • New HM Cragg FOB Shipping Terms
  • Quick Survey: Help Us Better Serve YOU
  • Eaton Price Change Notification

FOB Shipping, March PowerPlay 2022New HM Cragg FOB Shipping Terms

Beginning Monday, April 4, 2022, HM Cragg will be making FOB Destination standard shipping terms for Eaton’s 9155, 9355, 9395, 93PM and 93E UPS products. When you ship FOB Destination, HM Cragg will handle any freight claims for your shipments. You will retain title to the goods when they arrive at your dock, rather than when product ships. There will be an additional fee for this service.

FOB Destination claims must be made to HM Cragg within 30 days of receipt of product and all due care should be made to record any visible damage to packaging and product. During the claims process, the customer is responsible for placing a new order for the damaged product, or can pursue repair options with HM Cragg.

If you do NOT want FOB Destination on purchase orders for 9155, 9355, 9395, 93PM and 93E UPS units, you must specifically decline FOB Destination. The best way to ensure a quick and easy order process is to either:

Include FOB Destination pricing for eligible products as a line item on your purchase order, or
Indicate that you opt out of FOB Destination at the time of your order.

Please note that FOB Destination fees do not include freight charges. If you have any questions about the new FOB shipping terms, please contact your HM Cragg Sales Manager.

Survey HM Cragg, March PowerPlay 2022Quick Marketing Survey to Help Us Better Serve YOU

We would appreciate it if you would take a couple minutes to respond to a short, 9-question survey about the online marketing channels you use and how HM Cragg can better communicate with you.

Our team strives to ensure you get the information you need, and your responses will help shape how we plan our future marketing efforts. Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Eaton Price Changes, March PowerPlay 2022Eaton Price Change Notification

Please note that Eaton will have a list price change effective April 15, 2022. The part numbers, pricing, and percentage increase can be reviewed by clicking this link.

We urge you to work with your customers to get your orders in with HM Cragg before April 15, 2022, as orders placed by that date will still be eligible for current pricing.

If you have any questions about the price change, please contact your HM Cragg Sales Manager.

Please note that some products referenced in this communication might not be available for sale in all territories.
Please contact your HMC Sales Rep for more information and product questions. 

HM Cragg | 800.672.7244 | Contact Us via Email